NCRM Web Surveys Network Opening Conference

The NCRM Network for Methodological Innovation on Web surveys for the general population aims to exchange knowledge, generate new thinking and work towards resolving a shared challenge in survey research: How – and to what extent – can the web be used to survey the general population? The Network is holding an opening conference on 25th & 26th February, and, keen to involve PhD students and early-career researchers, is offering them eight funded places.

The Network is funded by the ESRC, through the National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM). It will explore how the web can be used to survey the general population without compromising representativity and data quality. It will share and synthesise existing knowledge and catalyse discussion about future possibilities, drawing on a wide range of institutions and experts from across the national and international survey research community. More information can be found on the network website and on Twitter @genpopweb.

The Network’s opening conference will take place on 25th & 26th February at Institute of Education, University of London, and is entitled “Web surveys for the general population: How, why and when?”

The one and a half day conference will pinpoint what we know, debate key issues and identify questions to be answered through the network. The programme will be structured around three themes:

  • Coverage & Sampling
  • Participation & Engagement
  • Measurement Challenges

Speakers include: Lisa Calderwood (Institute of Education, UK), Mario Callegaro (Google UK), Mick Couper (University of Michigan, USA), Peter Lynn (University of Essex, UK), Jon Puleston (Innovation, Lightspeed Research, UK), Doug Rivers (Stanford University, USA), Caroline Roberts (University of Lausanne, Switzerland), and Annette Scherpenzeel (CentERdata, Netherlands)

For further information about the event, visit the event information and booking page and indicate on your booking for that you would like to be considered for one of the eight bursaries.