Blamire, Paul

Start date:
October 2016
Research Topic:
Political philosophy
Research Supervisor:
Professor Milja Kurki and Professor Mustapha Pasha
Supervising school:
Adran Gwleidyddiaeth Ryngwladol,
Primary funding source:
ESRC Studentship

My thesis seeks to intervene into the ontological and post-secular turns in international political thought from the perspective of the work of James H. Cone, a key thinker of Black Liberation Theology. Cone’s thought points in two important directions: Firstly, a destabilization of much current work on political metaphysics (both that which fully embraces a secular frame, as well as that which directs attention back to the Christian canon in the hopes of overcoming certain impasses of secularity), and secondly the provision of a lucid guide for thinking about political metaphysics whilst reckoning with the systematic dehumanization of contemporary political life.