Project Videos from the Multimodal Qualitative Research workshop

During this week’s Wales DTC Multimodal Qualitative Research workshop, participants worked in groups on ‘Mapping the Park’ – an exploration of Cardiff’s Gorsedd Gardens as a research setting, thinking about the ideas of time and place.

On the first day, the groups made a couple of visits to the park. Firstly to think about the research question and notice the meaning-making potential of what they were seeing, hearing and feeling; and to consider how the affordances of the recording media might interplay with these modalities in the field. Secondly to actually use the four recording technologies (audio, video, still images and field notes) exploring the affordances and losses of each medium in the field.

On the second day, the groups worked to analyse their data and to create a multimodal ensemble. Here are three of those presentations:

Sam Saville, a member of the group who produced the video above, has written a blog post giving some further detail as well as reflections on the whole workshop.